232 Hillandale

Life and living at my designated postal address

Monday, November 21, 2005


Last weekend we had some friends in from New York City. We went to dinner Saturday night at Sante in downtown Matthews. The food was excellent - especially the braised cabbage salad. Matt and I went to the Jets vs. Panthers game on Sunday while the girls went shopping. We had a great time visiting!

This weekend, it was back to work. My sister went out of town for the weekend, so we kept her three children starting on Friday night. Saturday we went over to my Mother's house in Mt. Pleasant. My Mom gave Kristin and I the opportunity to escape for a bit and we went for a drive up in the northeast section of Cabarrus county.

We stumbled upon Gold Hill. Even crazier, I had just mentioned to Kristin, "Wouldn't it be nice to just round the corner and find a little town like Warner?" and VOILA! There it was. In 1989, the owners of the land in the area decided to begin restoring some of the former glory of this once bustling mining town. A restaurant and several gift shops have been opened along with a very scenic park. From there we drove around Pfieffer College and then back to my Mothers.

Sunday was a work day. Kristin worked the leaf blower most of the morning while I worked in the kitchen seemingly all weekend. I went out and did the Thanksgiving grocery shopping. We have a 20lb gobbler in the fridge. We both had nice naps in the afternoon.

The leaves have found a new home in the planting beds and in the new garden. Once the leaf season is nearly completed, we will wrap the leaves and get ready for composting.

It started misting yesterday afternoon after nearly a month without any significant rain. The most recent significant rain was from Tropical Storm Tammy in early October. The pace increased overnight and we are expecting a nice steady rain all day. Finally.


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