232 Hillandale

Life and living at my designated postal address

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Garden Grows

Here are some photos from the garden a month later!

We have been eating broccoli out of the garden for three weeks now. Today's lunch marks the first green pepper, cucumbers, yellow squash and zuchinni!

Isn't this zuchinni bloom a beautiful flower?

Our first canteloupe has started!

Some green peppers...

The pole bean patch (trellis to be installed this weekend):

The lettuce patch is taking a bit longer than I thought to flesh out, but it will. We have it in a spot that gets shady in the early afternoon (2-3pm). We have three types of mixed salad greens, radishes, and some buttercrunch lettuce here.

I have learned many tricks this season and putting cucumbers in a trellis has been one. This has really helped keep the small garden navigable and keeps the cukes from being on the ground.

Another lesson was the fact that broccoli keeps producing after you take the first head - here is a picture of the sprouts that come up:

I have started the GREAT PUMPKIN & GOURD PATCH for the fall. You can see some small sprouts at the top of the photo. This patch also includes some birdhouse gourds, apple gourds and bushel gourds. I am still up in the air as to whether I will leave them here or not. I will likely leave 2-3 of each and move the rest and see how they do. This will be a fun spot to watch change over the summer. The pumpkins are the jumbo size and, so the seed package says, supposed to get up to 150lbs with a 6-foot circumference. We plan on drying the gourds and making bird houses and other items.